渋川 ナタリ


(English below)


群馬大学附属幼稚園、同小・中学校、前橋女子高校を経て、東京藝術大学音楽学部器楽科ピアノ専攻卒業。同大学院修士課程修了。国際ロータリー財団国際親善奨学生及びPossehl財団奨学生としてドイツに留学し、国立リューベック音楽大学大学院を修了。同大学にて伴奏員を務めると共に、Brahms Festival, Oberstdolfer Musiksommer等、ドイツ各地でソロと室内楽の演奏活動を行う。帰国後、東京藝術大学大学院博士後期課程において、演奏と論文「現代ピアノでの舞曲演奏法ー宮廷舞踏の実践と共演を通してー」にて博士(音楽) を取得。


2019年に1stアルバム『母から子に贈る やすらぎのクラシックピアノ小品集』、2023年に2ndアルバム『Fantasy~幻想~』をリリースする他、クラシック音楽の収録多数。現代音楽やゲーム音楽の収録も精力的に行っている。"デュオ・フェアデ" "トリオ・フェアデ"各メンバー。


これまでに、ピアノを北川曉子、G.Tacchino、M. Aust、坂井千春の各氏に、チェンバロを大塚直哉、宮崎賀乃子の各氏に、バロック式演奏法を辰巳美納子氏に、宮廷舞踏を市瀬陽子氏に、室内楽をH. Müller氏に、歌曲伴奏をM.Veit, C. Hampeの各氏に師事。Yves Henry、Anne Queffélec、Andrzej Jasinki、Willem Bronsの各氏にも薫陶を受ける。

                Natali SHIBUKAWA, DMA(Doctor of musical arts)

German-Japanese pianist Natali Shibukawa began both her piano and violin studies at the age of 4.

She is a winner of many prestigious competitions. As part of the award for winning the “Kazuko Yasukawa Competition” she had the opportunity to perform in the Young Pianist Concert. She also performed in Japan-Germany Young Artists Exchange Concert.

After completing her Bachelor's degree at the Tokyo University of the Arts, she moved to Lübeck, Germany where she obtained her Master's degree at the Lübeck University of Music as a recipient of the International Rotary Foundation and a Possehl Foundation scholarships. While she was working as an official collaborative pianist at the University, she was also actively giving solo and chamber music recitals at music festivals throughout Germany, such as the Brahms Festival and Oberstdorfer Musiksommer.

Since moving back to Japan, Ms. Shibukawa has appeared as a soloist performing with orchestras, and has collaborated with singers and instrumentalists. She has premiered numerous contemporary works and has performed many works for piano and traditional Japanese instruments.

As a director of "Natali Shibukawa Ensemble Series" she presents projects that feature collaborations of various arts (e.g. ballet and art works).

After completing her Doctoral degrees at the Tokyo University of the Arts, she works at the Tokyo University of the Arts as a Lecturer.

Her main piano teachers include Akiko Kitagawa, Gabriel Tacchino, Manfred Aust and Chiharu Sakai. She has appeared in masterclass with Yves Henry, Anne Queffélec, Andrzej Jasinki, and Willem Brons. She was also coached chamber music by Heime Müller, and vocal accompaning by Matthias Veit and Christiane Hampe.

Ms. Shibukawa is also an avid champion of Baroque music. She has studied fortepiano with Kikuko Ogura, harpsichord with Naoya Otsuka, baroque piano performance with Minako Tatsumi, and baroque court dance with Yoko Ichise.